1.fully addresses all parts of the task; a fully developed position, with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas;
2.uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention; skillfully manages paragraphing.
首先强调要回应题目各个要点,充分展开观点,其次要求段内聚合,段落间布局要合理。这与托福写作的标准最大不同在于:明确提出了聚合的要求但不强调使用具体的细节和例子/故事,甚至OG也对个人的例子/故事并不鼓励: ‘unless it is fully relevant to the argument.’ 即如果要用个人例子或故事,它必须和自己的立场完全相关,毕竟从学术角度看,个人的例子或者故事是不足以证明一个观点的。其实懂英语的人看到unless就明白其用心,且保守和谨慎的英国人是很少用fully这样的副词去阐述一个观点的。依照这个标准我们来鉴赏一个托福高分段落,看看它是否在雅思的标准中依然是高分:
题目:Modern technology helps us stay connected.
First of all, one property of modern technology is harmful to any relationship—it virtualizes everything.(topic sentence)One thing we easily feel about when we are searching for friend online is that the internet, as an outstanding example of modern technology, provides us with not only the easy connection to talk with friends, but also the different new type of people to know. (analysis) However, more than once I turned on my computer to chat with my old friend who lives in other country now, but ended up embarrassing silence due to lack of common topics. We after all have not had dinner together for more than 3 years. (example) In this case, computer as a representative of modern technology plays a negative role in convincing us that the friendship still exists as if it was like. (conclusion)(素材来源于网络)
1.Example个人例子与本段的中心句/立场不对应(OG标准)。例证部分说的是自己与朋友网络聊天,却因为没有共同话题而出现多次尴尬的沉默。意在说明网络这样的高科技并不能让大家的关系保持如初。但这与中心句不符,中心句强调的是高科技的虚拟(坏处),而不是因为共同话题的缺失造成的友谊问题,因此它没有达到OG所说的fully relevant这一标准。
Progress comes at a price, however, and there is another side to the coin. This convenience that the Internet brings to some extent means that our friendship is just an online existence. Consequently, many people would find it difficult to communicate with people in real life. The websites, encouraging us to reach out people, may ironically lead to anti-social behavior among some users since they probably choose not to trust it after many times trying but end up with more virtual friends than actual friendship. In reality, their feeling of connectedness may only be an illusion as they become increasingly isolated in their homes.(来源于杜通老师)