mutual recognition of qualifications and academic degrees in higher education
China has established educational cooperation and exchange with 188 countries and regions and 46 international organizations. China has also forged agreements with 54 countries on mutual recognition of qualifications and academic degrees in higher education.
China is the world's largest source of international students, with about 1.4 million Chinese now studying abroad. Meanwhile, an increasing number of foreign students choose to study in China. The Chinese government has set up the "Silk Road" scholarship program to help train talents for countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.
national e-commerce demonstration base
China has formalized 15 new national e-commerce demonstration bases in efforts to foster the development of the sector. The new ones bring the total number of official e-commerce demonstration bases to 127.
China pays high attention to the development of the e-commerce. The sector has played a significant role in helping fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, driving consumption recovery and smoothing industrial and supply chains of foreign trade, especially since this year.
温馨提示:2020年度翻译专业资格考试时间已经确定,顺利完成报名的考生静待考前准考证打印通知,网校提供 免费预约短信提醒服务,考生预约后届时会及时收到2020年翻译资格考试准考证打印时间通知。既简单又方便。